Campaign update: April 2020

Like countless other organisations and businesses, Make Votes Matter has taken up government support to place a significant portion of our team on furlough during the current crisis. Despite this, we are making exciting progress in key areas like phone-banking for our joint Labour conference project. As well as using this time to upgrade our digital systems, we are becoming increasingly accustomed to holding events and meetings online - something that may change the way the whole world interacts well beyond the current lockdown.… continue reading

Campaign update: March 2020

Measures introduced to combat the coronavirus pandemic have had a profound impact on all aspects of life in the UK. Our movement is no exception to this. Make Votes Matter implemented a work from home policy and suspended all face-to-face meetings and events from 16 March onwards. Our team and activists have had to adapt to these new circumstances, but online, telephone and planning work continues apace across our key campaign objectives… continue reading

Campaign update: February 2020

Much of last month was about getting the strategy right. This month is about implementation. As well as developing more detailed plans in specific areas (such as media and fundraising), we kicked off our Labour conference project, stepped up work on national action days, started new initiatives within the Alliance, and brought new expertise into the Make Votes Matter team… continue reading

Campaign update: January 2020

The general election and tail-end of 2019 was an exceptionally busy period for the movement for Proportional Representation. After a much needed break over Christmas, the Make Votes Matter team focused on reviewing, updating and consulting on our strategy for the new Parliament - while at the same time responding to the Labour Leadership election and channeling a surge of new activist energy in the wake of the general election result… continue reading