Volunteers needed!

Make Votes Matter depends on the volunteering of hundreds of individuals. We are currently looking for volunteers to take on the specific roles below in support of the national campaign. If what you can offer isn’t listed below, but you think it would still be of value, please email us at team@makevotesmatter.org.uk

Alliance growth assistance

Time Commitment: 10 hours a month

Brief: Want to help find new members of the Make Votes Matter Alliance? Get stuck in researching past statements of prospective allies on PR, and finding out how to get in touch.

Why it’s important: There is a huge number of potential allies out there, and we are keen to cast as broad a net as possible.

Content creator

Time commitment: 5 hours a month

Brief: We’re looking for people to make the case for equal votes from our social media accounts with bespoke campaigns. Content creators design graphics, text, and calls to action, which would then be checked and scheduled by a member of the MVM team.

Why it matters; Social media is a creative space, and the more voices we can have collaborating on our output, the better!

Graphic designer

Time commitment: 3 hours a month

Brief: The equal votes movement needs volunteers to design graphics for our website, action days, and social media, which convey succinct messages with eye-catching visuals.

Why it matters: Punchy graphics are key to driving any political campaign. Good graphic design is an invaluable skill.


Time commitment: 10 hours a month

Brief: Interested in the more academic side of PR? Put your skills to use reading articles on voting systems, and collating statistics for use in op-eds, blogs, and campaign material.

Why it matters: Having a fact-based campaign, rooted in the latest research, is crucial for Make Votes Matter.

BAME Engagement Volunteer

Time Commitment: Flexible.

Brief: We're looking for BAME and non-BAME supporters to be involved in our diversity work. You’ll work with our diversity lead on projects aimed at diversifying the movement for PR, from finding language that resonates with new audiences, to collaborating on thought-provoking engagement events.

Why it matters: PR creates politics that is representative of the whole community. To help achieve this, MVM itself needs to become as diverse as the Parliament we want the UK to have.

Councils for PR Volunteer

Time Commitment: 5 hours a month

Brief: Keen to get your local council and others to support Proportional Representation? We are looking for people to get in touch with local councils to pass PR motions for our ‘Councils for PR’ project with Get PR Done!

Why it matters: The more councils we can have in support of Proportional Representation, the more interest the movement will get!

Events volunteer:

Time commitment: 4 hours a month

Brief: Want to get a behind-the-scenes look at our events? Help to run webinars like our ‘Democracy Loves’ series, managing Q&As, and moderating the chat. 

Why it matters: Each event needs at least three team members to run. The more people involved, the more smoothly the event will go!

HQ Mailing team:

Time commitment: 6 hours a month

Brief: Want to help to drive the local groups engine? We need London-based activists who can help for a few hours a month at our central office packing up and sending resources to use for street stalls, action days and other events.

Why it matters: Getting resources in a timely fashion to our local groups is key to carrying out successful actions.

Video editor

Time commitment: 10 hours a month

Brief: Have experience editing videos? Get stuck in with turning raw video footage from MVM events into finished product for use on social media and YouTube.

Why it matters: Video content can be a crucial arm of messaging in a campaign. 

Cross-party speaker

Time Commitment: Ad hoc speaking engagements

Brief: If you’re good at explaining and inspiring, volunteer for our speaker programme. We’ll be providing speakers to local party and civil society meetings across the UK to set out why we need PR and how we’ll get it. This is more about action than theory - so you definitely don’t need to be an expert on voting systems. Training will be provided.

Why it matters: Spread the word about the movement for PR to politically engaged people around the UK.