It’s time for Labour to back Proportional Representation

Make Votes Matter is part of a joint project to secure a commitment to PR from Labour at this year’s party conference, called Labour for a New Democracy.

Take action to make this happen at the links below!

Sign up to Labour for a New Democracy…

Invite a speaker on electoral reform…

+ Why should Labour support Proportional Representation?

The arguments for Labour to back PR are overwhelming.

To find out what they are, read our joint report with the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform, or invite an expert speaker to your local Labour Party branch or CLP.

+ How can I help get Labour behind PR?

From tabling a motion at your local branch, to helping to change your trade union's policy, there's several key action you can take to get Labour to support PR.

Labour for a New Democracy are coordinating a vote at Labour Party Conference 2022. Sign up to Labour for a New Democracy to find out how you can get involved.

+ Why invite a speaker to my branch?

Our expert speakers are all members of the Labour Party who believe fair votes are crucial to delivering the equal, progressive society that Labour is committed to.

Hosting an external speaker is a great way to get the debate going and find out what local members think about electoral reform. You'll probably be surprised how much support there is!

+ What is LCER? Why should my branch or CLP affiliate?

LCER is the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform, the internal Labour Party campaign for PR. Affiliating your branch or CLP is a great way to show your support for this issue and support the campaign.

It costs £10 per year for a CLP or branch to affiliate with LCER. Contact for details.

+ Can I join LCER as an individual?

Yes. Click here to join.

+ Who in Labour supports Proportional Representation?

A poll conducted by Labour for a New Democracy showed that 83% of Labour Party members support Proportional Representation. At the 2021 Labour Party conference, 80% of CLPs voted for PR.

A third of Labour MPs, seven affiliated unions, and other groups like Open Labour all support PR for general elections. 332 CLPs have already carried motions calling for electoral reform.

+ Which Constituency Labour Parties have already carried motions in favour of PR?

Click here for a full list and map

Essential reading