Do your candidates want fair votes? See our final #GE2017 map for their views on PR

It's almost over - and together, in very little time, we've built a good overview of where the General Election candidates stand on Proportional Representation.

Huge thanks to Democracy Club, the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform, the Electoral Reform Society and thousands upon thousands of you who have emailed, tweeted at and spoken to your Parliamentary candidates to get this data together.

Click below to view the map and check which of your candidates support fair votes, which are considering it, and which are staunchly opposed to reform - and then share it with your friends so they can check too!

Whatever the outcome of the General Election, we'll need to step up the campaign; to keep putting PR on the agenda and holding those who are elected to their word. Sign up to our demonstration - #SaveOurDemocracy - on Saturday 24th June to be a part of this.

Here's our final word ahead of #GE2017, from Make Votes Matter's co-founder and spokesperson, Owen Winter...

...don't forget to vote!