7 tips on how to support Demand Democracy Day revealed

At MVM we’re busy gearing up for our summer action day, Demand Democracy Day, and we need your help. The idea is to make noise right across the UK and demonstrate the growing demand there is for PR!

So how do I get involved?

From Barnstaple to Bristol, Sheffield to Stafford, we’ve had a great response from people signing up to run a street stall in prominent locations in 70 towns and cities across the UK. So if you can volunteer to run or help out at a stall for a few hours on Saturday 6th July, please sign-up here. Where will you hold yours?

Anyone can take part, you don’t need any prior experience. From helping to set up the stall to getting people to sign a petition to the local MP, or taking a group photo with a ballot box facade to attach to a bin - these are just some of the things you might find yourself doing on the day. We can provide you with all the materials you need to run a stall, so don’t worry about that.

And if you want to go big and do something creative to complement your street stall then we and local supporters are keen to help.

Stuck for ideas? Here are our top 7 suggestions on how to draw a crowd and make a noise for PR:

  1. Create a “democrometer” to test public support for PR.

  2. A quiz on local results from the last general election / writing stats from the last election in chalk on the pavement.

  3. Invite a local public figure to join you at your stall for a photo op.

  4. Create and photograph a banner-drop from a bridge.

  5. A stunt, like chaining yourself to railings in suffragette colours.

  6. Dress up as a superhero... because our democracy needs saving!

  7. Create your own ‘coffin’ with “RIP democracy” on it.

It’s time to demand democracy. Sign up to run a street stall today and let’s get people from every constituency calling on politicians to ditch First Past the Post in favour of Proportional Representation!