Ask your council candidates to make a #PledgeForPR

If you’re wondering how to find out whether your local election candidates are fans of Proportional Representation (PR), then we’ve got it covered with our #PledgeForPR campaign.

You can use it to ask your local candidates - by email or Twitter - if they want to bring in a fair voting system, or if they want to keep our undemocratic First Past the Post system. 

And if you’re standing as a candidate and you want to see PR introduced, simply take the pledge using #PledgeForPR on Twitter, or by submitting a photo of you holding up your pledge to 

Please see this folder for graphics to use for social media and printing. More instructions can be found here.

The more Councillors supportive or open to Proportional Representation that are elected, the more chance we have of winning a system where all votes count equally.

That’s why we're using these local elections to find out where candidates stand on PR - and to pressure candidates to be more favourable towards electoral reform at the national level.

We'll be able to see when candidates take the #PledgeForPR, but we'll also want to know when candidates don't want to commit to fair votes. So please forward any replies you get to or tag @MakeVotesMatter on Twitter.