A great day & big announcement at the Demo for Democracy

Last Saturday, Make Votes Matter marked the one-year anniversary of the most disproportionate election in British history by holding our second major protest to call for Proportional Representation.

We want to thank the hundreds of people who came and shared the day with us - and to everyone who volunteered their time or donated to make it possible. We couldn't have been luckier with the weather, heard some fantastic speakers and music and generated an amazing amount of hope and optimism that things really can change. Click here for videos.

To top it all off, we were able to announce that Labour's Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, has signed Make Votes Matter's Declaration - news that made the front page of the Independent the following day in an article that has now been shared 5000 times. This came just days after we sent our letter to Jeremy Corbyn asking him to support PR - with seven Labour MPs among the signatories, also attracting significant media attention.

The days of Proportional Representation being a niche issue - that only gets near a front page once every five years - are over. Our parliament and government have become so unrepresentative and so undemocratic that people are starting to see our failing democracy for what it is. All the arguments are on our side. All we have to do is spread the word, organise and take action.

This movement can do more than get big names behind us and coverage in the press. Together we can make the introduction of Proportional Representation and real democracy a central issue going into the 2020 General Election, not just an after thought coming out of it. And if we can do that, we'll be creating a real chance to make all votes really matter.

Next year's Make Votes Matter Day is planned for the 6th of May 2017 - save the date!

Photo credits: Nick Hooper, Rene Bach, John Franglen, Marianne Overton and Owen's Dad!

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