Make Votes Matter Needs You!

Since last May, Make Votes Matter has been campaigning for real democracy in the UK - a democracy in which all votes count equally and seats in Parliament match votes.

We've held the first mass demonstration for voting reform since 2011, brought seven parties together for the Alliance Building Conference, and signed up celebrities, politicians and nine partiesto the Alliance to Make Votes Matter. We've kept demanding a response from the government to half a million petitioners and are about to send an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn signed by more than ten thousand people calling on him to support PR. And on 7th May we will gather again outside Parliament to demand fair votes at the Demo for Democracy.

This all has only been made possible by the amazing dedication of our volunteer activists and incredible generosity of our supporters. Staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers and funded wholly by personal donations, we are a movement of and by the people, of all parties and none.

We ask you to give whatever you can to help cover the costs of the Demo and the campaign, so we can really Make Votes Matter and win Proportional Representation by 2021 at latest.

This will be the first annual Make Votes Matter Day, which we will mark each year until we make every vote matter!

Save the date and spread the word - invite your friends and family!