Jeremy Corbyn

Democracy for the many, not just the few: guest blog by René Bach and Stephen Clark

Democracy for the many, not just the few: guest blog by René Bach and Stephen Clark

This is a guest blog by René Bach and Stephen Clark. René is a Make Votes Matter local group leader from MVM South West London. Stephen is a Compass local group leader from West London Compass. Democracy For The Many, Not Just The Few was a Labour-focused event they jointly organised. It took place in Richmond on Monday 26th February 2018.

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The Labour Leadership candidates on the voting system

The Labour Leadership candidates on the voting system

The Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform (LCER) asked the Labour Leadership candidates about their views on the electoral system. See how they replied.

LCER is the Labour-based organisation making the Labour Party case for a more democratic and proportional electoral system. On 27 September, LCER and MVM are co-hosting a rally at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool: Time for Labour to embrace PR.

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