Newsletter: November 2023

In this edition: taking on the system, Christmas reading and crowdfunder final stretch

Still on the lookout for Christmas present ideas? If so, check out our political book recommendations, and suggest your own on social media.

MVM supporters out making the case for change

Challenging the status quo

Throughout November, MVM supporters were out and about in their communities generating support for change.

From MVM Manchester returning to the People’s History Museum, to MVM West Yorks at a regional Lib Dem conference, with MVM North London taking their roadshow to Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry’s seat, and MVM Oxon at Green Fair. Plus coffee mornings, countless street stalls and MVM Lewes at a festival of ideas for the next Labour government. A fantastic effort by everyone involved!

As always, supporters have also been getting in touch to share their MPs’ views regarding PR.

It seems for First Past the Post’s defenders, when it comes to the chaos and instability we’ve all experienced since (at least) 2016, it’s a case of denying reality. We mustn’t let them get away with it.

We know that in recent years, the speed of the UK’s ministerial merry-go-round outstrips other comparable democracies - not a record to be proud of. And we know that across the last 50 years, comparable countries with PR systems have on most measures been more stable politically than their FPTP rivals.

So the next time your MP - or someone you know - falsely claims disproportional election results are the price of stability, consider pushing back. To secure change, we need to keep chipping away at the status quo.

You can also get involved with a local MVM group near you. Please email for more information.

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We really appreciate supporters asking MPs for their views on PR. Being able to see what MPs of all stripes will say in public helps shape our campaign priorities. Whether they support PR, or are totally opposed to change, it is important to show MPs how much this issue matters.

Christmas reading list

If you’re like me and are still casting around for festive gift ideas, here are five political books MVM enjoyed this year:

  • Ben Ansell, ‘Why Politics Fails: The Five Traps of the Modern World & How to Escape Them’ - 2023

  • Gavin Esler, ‘Britain Is Better Than This: Why a Great Country is Failing Us’ - 2023

  • Isabel Hardman, ‘Why We Get the Wrong Politicians’ - 2019

  • Sadiq Khan, ‘Breathe: Tackling the Climate Emergency’ - 2023

  • Hannah White, ‘Held in Contempt: What’s Wrong with the House of Commons?’ - 2022

Disagree with our selection? Join in the discussion and let us know your top five.

The MVM crowdfunder closes just one week from today. Thank you to everyone that has so far contributed.

If you are like the majority of the UK and you live in a safe seat, this is your chance to make your voice heard.

By joining this crowdfunder, you will fund pro-PR campaigning in marginal seats across the UK.

You will help mobilise residents living in marginal seats to campaign for PR.

Even if you can’t be heard with your vote, you can be heard with your wallet - please donate to the campaign today!