2024: elections, by-elections and hope

And we’re off - the starting gun has been fired on the biggest ever year of elections.

Countries comprising more than half the world's population - over four billion people - have already begun heading to the polls.

In May, every voter in England and Wales will have the chance to vote, whether in elections for local councils, Police and Crime Commissioners, the London Assembly, or mayoralties in eleven authorities.

Not to mention, of course, for all of us across the UK there’s the near certainty of a General Election!

Before all that, we’ll see the latest in what seems a never-ending string of by-elections to elect new MPs, this time in Wellingborough and Kingswood on 15th February.

Last year, MVM supporters knocked on doors in by-election constituencies across the country, encouraging local residents to discuss the importance of PR with all parties that came canvassing.

This is the basis of a larger swing seat battle plan at the next general election - more details are coming very soon, so watch this space!

If you’re keen to take action already, check out our recent Twitter thread for some ideas.

Ditching FPTP - more progress in Wales

Outside England, only one devolved election in the UK uses First Past the Post: local council elections in Wales.

But Welsh councils now have the power to adopt PR for local elections in their area.

Thanks to a tireless campaign spearheaded by ERS Cymru and supported by MVM, late last year Gwynedd and Powys councils each voted to hold a public consultation on the voting system.

This is a big step forward, and while the process is stacked in favour of the status quo, this movement has overcome tougher challenges before. Keep an eye out for more on this topic!

In the meantime, take a look at our latest blog on the progress Wales has been making at both local and national level towards a more effective and representative politics.

In the news

A big hats off to everyone who used our new year letter templates to raise the issue of PR in their local papers over the holidays! We hope it gave you all as much cheer as it did us. 

For these and other recent news hits, head to our coverage page

If you don’t spot your letter on there, please let us know and we’ll be sure to promote it.

2023 showed us that, no matter the challenges, there was still much cause for hope. It reminds us that together, a better future is possible. We are so grateful for your continued support.