What’s next in the fight for real democracy?
In 2019, we lived through yet another disproportionate election where a 43.6% vote share translated to an 80-seat parliamentary majority for one party... 56% of seats and almost all the power. It’s no wonder that Make Votes Matter has seen such a huge surge in interest since the results were announced.
If you’ve signed our petition or joined us since December, welcome to the movement for Proportional Representation!
Priorities for the year
We’ve had a busy start to the year. As well as urgently responding to unfolding events, we've been carefully updating our strategy in consultation with Allies. It's taken a little while, but it's crucial to get it right! And we're now ready to share the plan with you.
Keep reading for a quick summary of our four key campaign areas and some actions you can take right now. Or, visit our updated path to PR page for a detailed run-through of our strategy and the chance to give us your feedback.
The Grassroots Movement
Our supporter base has grown significantly since the general election and we want to channel all that enthusiasm into the campaign for real democracy. Electoral reform is the kind of change that has to be demanded by an organised movement that won't take no for an answer.
Our Grassroots team has been very busy supporting a flurry of new groups that are springing up around the country. Groups in locations from Leeds to Beccles and Stroud to Lewes have started up, to name a few.
We’re very excited to see so much activity. If there isn’t already a group near you, why not start one up? We are also planning a series of regional events for local groups and activists, so keep your eyes open for one near you!
We’ll be running at least two big action days this year which we want YOU to be part of. The first is a Lobby of Parliament on Wednesday 22nd April where we aim to hand in our petition to MPs, and a national day of action on Saturday 11th July.
Both are designed to be easy and fun days that anyone can take part in, whatever your level of experience. Save the date... more details will follow in due course.
We also want to encourage people to get involved in local democracy and be creative about how to highlight the need for equal votes. Let’s make PR fun! Got an idea? Share it at local@makevotesmatter.org.uk
The Make Votes Matter Alliance
The MVM Alliance is one of the greatest strengths of the campaign and is truly a testament to cross-party collaboration. This year, we want to develop and build those relationships further and include more and more public figures, organisations and parties.
A big focus will be on bringing new and powerful campaigns into the Alliance from key sectors that have a lot to gain from fair votes. We'll also be increasing the involvement of Allies in campaigns and media - as well as making interventions for PR in Parliament.
We are planning some big events and with your support we hope to make an even bigger splash about the campaign during 2020.
The Labour Party
Electoral reform is not likely without the backing of one of the largest two parties: the Labour Party. An unprecedented 76% of Labour members support PR - and coupled with a new Leader and our campaigning within unions, this means the Labour Party could change finally change its policy.
The time is now right to mobilise this support and get a motion on electoral reform debated on the floor of the Labour Party conference in September. To make this happen, we'll continue working very closely with the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform.
The current Leadership contests offer an opportunity to get PR onto the agenda at the highest level. If you happen to attend one of the hustings this February, please raise a question about fair votes and make sure it’s a hot topic.
If you can’t make it to a hustings, why not sign our petition to the leadership candidates asking them to back PR?
Coherence, growth & sustainability
If the three sections above are our campaign objectives, this newly added area is the one that ties them all together.
The world is fast moving and we can’t stand still. Rapidly growing movements have to make sure their systems and approaches can keep up with demand, and we have certainly grown rapidly of late!
We'll be working to ensure all activity across the movement is pulling in the same direction, and making sure everyone knows how their own actions will help achieve our goal. We'll also be updating our systems and approaches to digital campaigning and media outreach, putting the campaign on a sustainable financial footing, and developing our team and skills.
How else can you get involved right now?
Cupid, draw back your bow.
This Valentine’s Day, we want to know why you #LoveEqualVotes. Please share a short (30 sec max) video or photo online with your quote explaining why you would love to see Proportional Representation. We will share the best ones on social media on Friday 14th February, using the #LoveEqualVotes hashtag.
Volunteer internship opportunity
Do you or anyone you know want to experience being in the beating heart of the campaign for equal votes? We have opportunities for interns to come and become part of the MVM team and learn the ropes from now through to the start of September, for a minimum of one month. We provide accommodation in the lovely Clifton Wood area of Bristol, food, drink and work expenses.
It's going to be a busy year! Thank you for your support