Demand Democracy Day was a national day of action on Saturday 30th June to call for Proportional Representation - pushing back on the government's plans to "celebrate" the state of our democracy in July. A huge thank you to everyone who took part in this action online, at stalls or at the NHS march.
Thank you to all of you who wrote to your local media! If your piece was published, can you see it below? If not let us know and we'll add it to this page and share it online. If your piece wasn't published this time don't worry - your campaigning will be on their radar now so they'll be more likely to next time.
If you’re passionate for Proportional Representation, consider taking another step - go and meet your MP and tell them why.
#DemandDemocracyDay was hugely successful in attracting public attention to the injustice of First Past the Post and the need for PR. Here's what we did and what you can continue to do...
1. Local street stalls!
Brilliant volunteers held over 60 street stalls across the UK - from Truro to Aberdeen. We told the public why we need fair votes and signed them up to our new petition to local MPs.
If you want Proportional Representation, why not arrange to hold a street stall in your town? MVM can provide lots of materials, and you don't need any expertise - just determination to win real democracy in the UK!
The map below shows where the street stalls were on Demand Democracy Day.
2. Petitions to our MPs!
As part of our campaign to lobby every MP in the UK about changing the voting system, we launched a new petition calling on all MPs to support to the introduction of Proportional Representation in the House of Commons.
The Demand Democracy Day street stalls signed up members of the public to paper copies of the petition to pile pressure on their local MPs. The petition will be live throughout National Democracy Week. Enter your postcode and it will automatically be addressed to your local representative - and allows you to opt-in to joining a group meeting with them in the future to put pressure on them to support fair votes: add your name today!
3. Sharing on social media
Whether or not you made it to a street stall on the day, you can still help spread the word throughout National Democracy Week and beyond. Click the images below to share the petition on Twitter or click here to share it on Facebook.
4. MVM at the NHS March
For those who were torn between the NHS at 70 and Demand Democracy Day on 30th June, we sent a Make Votes Matter contingent to the NHS March.