National Action Day

#DemandDemocracy Day of Action 2020

#DemandDemocracy Day of Action 2020

Last Saturday we held our socially-distanced national day of action, Demand Democracy Day! Hundreds of activists from across the country joined in, sending an unequivocal demand for the reform of our broken voting system.

Amid the pandemic, this was a day of action like no other. We all know that now, more than ever, we need Proportional Representation - and people across the UK were determined to do something about it…

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Demand Democracy Day 2019

Demand Democracy Day 2019

On 6th July Make Votes Matter held our second Demand Democracy Day. This national day of action had nearly 100 stalls across the country and sent out a resounding call for reform of our electoral system. A huge thank you to all our volunteers who helped make the day such a success!

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Last Saturday: a brilliant, sunny Action Day ahead of the General Election

Last Saturday: a brilliant, sunny Action Day ahead of the General Election

So, the General Election will take place on 8th June. The results will be a democratic outrage. The only question is, what kind of outrage? How many millions will be shut out of Parliament? Who will be handed disproportionate power? How many of us will have had to vote for someone we didn't really want?

We will be campaigning before, during and after the General Election to make sure Proportional Representation is right at the centre of the political debate and we'll do whatever we can to make this the last election held under our broken voting system. And we've already started...

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